A deposit of 50% is required for all web design sites. The remaining balance is due upon completion and approval of the project. Other payment arrangements may be made on an individual basis. Basic web page design is $450.00 for the first 4 hours of setup, hosting for a year, and the purchase of your domain. If your web page requires flash player or similar
programs, the web page cost can vary depending on the complexity of the web site. Additional labor is $40.00 per hour.
Hosting services are prepaid yearly by check or money order. We also accept Visa, Master card, and Discover card for an extra surcharge of 6%. We will e-mail an invoice two weeks prior to the new year. Hosting and your domain renewal is $300.00 per year. Overdue accounts are subject to removal of the web and a $50.00 reinstatement charge. In case you are wondering what “hosting” means – hosting is where we pay a server company who accepts your web site so people can find your web site, products, or services.
Hourly Rates
$40.00 per hour, one hour minimum, for any standard web site and graphic additions. Once we receive your request, an estimate of time and cost will be provided prior to starting the job. Normally all changes will be made on the web within 2-3 business days. Ask about special bundle packages which includes hosting, your domain and maintenance. We will come out to your site or some other location to take specific sites with our camera. Photos will be uploaded to the computer and cropped, resized, lightened or darken photos. Mileage over 20 miles will be negotiated.

Domain Purchase
You come up with the web site name and we can check to see if it’s available. Sometimes the .com is not available but maybe the .net, .biz or another name is. You make the decision on how you want people to find your web site. The easier name the better people will remember it. $25 annual charge for the domain name.

Web Changes
We understand that what you might be envisioning and what we might be envisioning might be a little different. No problem with making changes once the web site is up and running.